What if there was something that has the potential to remove many times more Co2 in our atmosphere than we emit every year?
Something that has the potential to bring the whole world to net zero, without relying on corporations, nations or individuals to reduce emissions.
The world's most sustainable 'Timber'
1 meter
per day peak growth rate
30 meters
tall after two months
4 years
average harvest time
10x faster harvest
compared to pine trees
more Co2 capture capability compared to trees
higher tensile strength compared to steel
Why we do, what we do...with bamboo.
Bamboo is a remarkable resource, often overlooked, but nothing short of miraculous. It has a tensile strength stronger than steel and is harder than hardwood. Crucially, it also can capture huge amounts of Co2 when it grows.
Our aim is to reverse the current global trend for careless destruction of forests and bring these and the habitat within, back to life.
We believe, like many in the scientific community, that bamboo holds the key to fighting climate change and we are committed to educating the market about all the wonderful benefits bamboo possesses, with the hope that many businesses and governments encourage both the growth of bamboo to reforest land and the use of bamboo to make the products we use.